___being anywhere with you cam...even if it's just sitting on the couch watching 24 or our Blue Devils play...it's always better when you are around...i luv you
...being a mom...sometimes it is the hardest thing but it is the most rewarding when your little girl grabs your face & says "your face pretty mommy, i luv you"...or when one of them says "wow, your really getting big mommy" and then your husband comes sprinting into the room to tackle her and take her into the other room to have a "little talk"...or in the morning when she yells out "momma, i'm awake, i can hear you...come get me". when you look back & see how far those little babes have come...thier personalities, thier sweet eyes, times that you know someday you will wish you could have back.
*lucy, she makes me laugh...she makes me cry! +my family...my sisters!!! -denver. ^my house. keeping my house really cold (sorry friends!). ~photo books on shutterfly {quilting ~brighton jewerly ?the thought of a trip to NYC & my little sis Lins coming to watch the girls...super aunt
*every sunday morning we have a waffle breakfast...seeing cam in the morning. ^how my girls luv to help me in the kitchen !a clean house, even if i have to clean it :laughing "teaching relief society, i love the gospel of jesus christ %i luv my grandparents `sunshine -a good steak !Utah & 4th of July reunions
*my new tv in my bedroom...fallng asleep at 7pm with the girls snuggling around me $doing my littel girls hair & nails +friends, good friends, true friends are hard to come by #nursing, i luv helping babies come into the world >law & order, have i mentioned diet coke music, dancing, nordstrom, purses, my sweatpants...cause they fit !!!dvr -have i mentioned my sisters ///going to target for no reason...my home away from home..and yes i luv those pizza hut breadsticks.
*when cam gets cute valentine's presents for the girls and then lets them play with make-up unsupervised...

...old pictures because they remind us of how far we have come and the people we are becoming.
...old pictures because they remind us of how far we have come and the people we are becoming.
#how much my girls luv thier daddy ^getting pedicures >visiting family, talking to my family on my cell phone, email, internet in general !people that are true +working out, running with emily :::pedicures _getting my arms rubbed or back rubbed *history =water skiing ***the smell of lavendar :how vannah looks like cam but has a really sensitive side like me
25 weeks & rockin, i luv how my little chicka twirls & kicks...not so much the groin pain but i luv the thought of another little baby coming into our fam...thanks em for the sweet card, it meant alot ~i luv journaling, quotes, and poetry *costco frozen fruit in the winter time :::gummies, thanks for the addicition matt !not cooking ~i luv life
"A woman is the full circle. Within her is the power to create, nurture, and transform." ~Diane Mariechild
I love it....Love you Cam!!!
"Cami" that is!!!
your belly pic is so cute - you are SO SMALL prego girl! I am still trying to lose the baby weight, and although it is coming (i think) it is NO easy task!!! I love a lot of those same things - and luv yoU! (ps - who won the UNC/Duke game? - cuz I actually remember watching but not able to watch the end....i think UNC did tho? -- anyways - always a good game)
I love lulu in her tights and the beautiful blue eyes on the girls. You are so blessed to have such a wonderful family.
Oh Cami! Your blog entries are always SO great. You look so beautiful, no matter what picture!
Hey Cam! THanks for the shout-out...can't wait to get there...get the sissy's super pumped. I wish the babe was here already so I could watch her too:-) E....like you won't be hogging her for the first six months!
You look great. I loved your post, I love all those things too expect put boys whever you put your girls. Aren't children amazing. K so I have your March dates in my calendar and I am planning to see you and the girls. I can't wait. I just got my date set for April 18 -C-section ya know, 8 weeks and 4 days not that I am counting. Take care.
Just a note: you know so many wonderful Lindsay's (it would be a great name for the little one) lol. I am sure your sis would agree.
i loved this post and i love your blog! i loved the makeup pic of the girls, they remind me so much of makaila and i when we were young. you look fantastic cami!
that'll be fun to go to nyc! if you ever want to visit boston you are always welcome! ;)
2 days and counting....Love ya!
Thanks Cami, Cute post... the pics crack me up, you have a very fun family! Nights are good although I do miss working with you, we had some fun times.:)
Cami- Your the best! I love how true to life you are and always focus on things that are important. You look good pregnant! You simply amaze me.
love ya girl! kim
Hey, Kesler Krew!
Just saying I'm lovin' watching your cute fam grow in this darling blog of yours. Love you all, and wish we were closer. Still planning that trip to CO someday! BTW, you are adorable pregnant. Give hugs to Camster for us as well as those cutie girlies!
You have such a good way at expressing yourself. You look so cute with your little baby in your tummy. Love the other Kami
I would love to take your PICS!!! before and after the baby comes. I am excited to see you. I only have 7 weeks and 5 days. Someone I know is having a Birthday! Actually two people I know are having a birthday. They are both SUPER COOL too! In case I don't get you on your b-day, have a good one. Oh wait there is no way to get you on your b-day unless I post at midnight on the 28th. We'll see what I can do. How old are you now 7 1/4? Have fun!!!
You're so stinkin' cute!
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